Public Meeting November 14 - Rezoning PID 202671

Public Notice for Zoning Amendment/Official Plan Amendment
Public notice is hereby given that the Rural Municipality of West River will conduct a public meeting on November 14th at 4 p.m. at the Afton Community Centre located at 1552 Rte. 19, New Dominion, to consider the following:
To allow residents and other interested persons an opportunity to make representation concerning amendments to the Rural Municipality of West River Official Plan 2022 and Land Use Bylaw 2022-04.
The proposed amendments to the Official Plan and Land Use Bylaw would be to rezone PID #202671 from a Rural Area (RA) to a Rural Residential (RR) zone to subdivide the parcel located at Fraser Lane into 18 residential lots.
The meeting is open to the public, and all interested parties are encouraged to attend. Public comments and feedback about the proposal will be accepted until November 21st at 4 p.m.
For more information on this proposal or to provide comments, please visit or contact the municipality office by phone at
902-675-7000 or by email at